Art Walk Reno
In the midst of doing my own work, I've been wanting to get back into writing on my art blog, Purple Paintbrush, but I've been slacking ever so hard! At least I have kind of a valid excuse. It's been a while since I did any posts that focused on documenting art events and this is the first time I ever tried using video for the task. I really enjoyed putting this piece together even though I'm still fairly new at video projects.Reno just had their first official art walk in the downtown area and I thought it would be a great post for my blog. There were so many places that participated and I thought that it was well-attended by Reno-ites. I was able to check out and capture some great artwork and made this video to share some of the experience. My only regret was that I didn't plan my time well enough to go see everything! Next time I'll be more prepared though.Please enjoy!