Traci L. Turner | Fine Art & Portraits

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What's New: 2021

Things in my world have been on a wheel of constant change and adaptation, more than I’ve had to handle in years. To be thrown off-track since last year is one of the most common feelings that we are all sharing right now, so I know that my situation isn’t special at all but: what the hell? There’s been so much to navigate, and unfortunately my motivation to create got lost in the shuffle. When I finally did make some new work towards the last part of 2020 and gained momentum with it, another change in my life caused me to lose my workspace. Thankfully it’s only temporary because in the next week or two I will have an art studio again, but the change set me back for months, unable to make any creative work at all. The good thing is that it has allowed me some time to figure out what’s still important to me and what I want to change or improve upon moving forward. A…REBRAND perhaps??

I think that the ideas and the plans that I thought that I was going to execute last year ended up being deferred to this year. Again, nothing unusual for most people out here. Do we dare to have any enthusiasm this year? Sheeit, at this point, why not? A lot of us are already used to making the best of crappy situations by now so, might as well try to push it further and have some fun. Safely, of course. For me, that looks like all new everything. New workspace, new artwork, new videos, new skills, and best of all: a new attitude.

As I mentioned earlier, being unable to do work for a while and going silent online allowed me time to sort some stuff out about what I want to do once I’m able to get back to creative work. This year I want to be able to have fun with making art and sharing art. “Fun” is a component that was lost to me a few years ago, and I’ve realized how important it is for me to have in order for me to be creative and feel positive about what I’m doing. That being said, I’ve decided to do a better job of focusing on myself rather than comparing my work and my numbers to other artists out there. I also want to try to do things that invite more interaction with my audience. Engaging with the people was something that I realized is a big part of what makes creativity fun for me. So I plan to make some content that will hopefully bring more people to participate in what I’m doing. I have to say that it feels good to start getting reorganized, teaching myself some new things, and having a refreshed mindset toward my art life. Looking forward to posting more frequently here as well!

How have you been dealing with the start of a new year? Are you optimistic or scared?