Live Streaming Series

I finally bit the bullet and tried doing a live stream in the studio. It's not really as bad as I thought that it was going to be. One person was able to hop on and join me while I chatted about setting up for a practice painting. I'm not sure if I will continue to do live streams on a regular basis but I think that I'll at least keep it up for the remainder of the aforementioned piece. Any and all live streams that I may do will be filed under my youtube playlist "The only thing I have in common with Bob Ross is the 'fro."I might not store all of my streams on youtube because I will probably play quite a bit of music in the background, and youtube is pretty weird and strict about music in user's videos. I'm trying out a couple of options/formats to see what's best. Either way, I'll be sure to share links to wherever I begin housing the streams. As of now I don't really have a schedule, I'm just going to sign on whenever the mood strikes. If I remember to give a heads up beforehand I will, so make sure you're following me on social media if you can so that you don't miss out! Check me out on instagram, twitter, facebook and tumblr.