My New Channel!

One of my goals this year was to continue to build and refine my online presence. So I finally got around to creating a new YouTube channel that is specifically for videos about my art and other art-related topics. Yes, I now have an official art vlog (that word will always sound funny to me). There's a lot that I still need to learn about this realm, so please be patient - especially when it comes to quality and on-screen presence. For now I'm just trying it out to see how it goes, but I won't know how well I'm doing unless you chime in! Be sure to subscribe, share, and/or drop me any questions in the comments section. If it's really thought-provoking, I'll definitely make a video about it for you in response. The above video is just an intro, but you can find some of the other videos that I'm in by checking out my whole channel.The plan is to do weekly, if not bi-weekly, entries. I don't know if that's too aggressive or not, but at this stage at least I can still adjust things as needed. I'm already working on my next video about a painting that I'm stuck on, so that should be ready to go up really soon. Stay tuned...