Sounds: Mark Sexton Band - Home is You

Mark Sexton Band NPR Tiny Desk SubmissionIt's my honor to share and promote some of the hotness we have going on in Reno! Check out my friends' song Home is You which is their submission as a chance to be featured on NPR in Washington, DC. Share, comment, Like, reblog...whatever you can do to spread the greatness of this group here.For more from the Mark Sexton Band, visit their website and facebook page.And also check out an awesome side project led by some of MSB members called Whatitdo. Prog funk wonderfulness. Their first studio album is on the way.

Sounds: FKA Twigs - Pendulum

I've been listening to a lot of alternative R&B while I work lately. FKA Twigs is an artist that's been getting a lot of attention lately for her haunting, wistful sound. Plus, her baby hair game is like no other. This track is one of my favorites by her.

Sounds: Galimatias & Joppe - "One Step Back" Ft. GoldLink

For those that wanted to know the song I used for my video from the reception for Hemorrhage, here it is! This version has the original vocals, and you can download the track for free. Enjoy![soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]