A Critique from the Art Prof

I recently had a large amount of my work submitted for an art critique by Rhode Island School of Design art professor, Carla Lieu, who runs the blog Art Prof. It's been over a decade since I had a serious, academic critique of my art and I felt like I was at the point where I needed a new perspective and a little bit of guidance for the next steps in my career. I agreed to allow my critique to be posted publicly on the Art Prof blog, YouTube and any of Carla's other outlets in hopes to provide other artists and art enthusiasts an example of a professional constructive evaluation of art.I found my experience with Carla to be easy and extremely helpful. I was pleasantly surprised by the feedback I received with my critique. The aspects that I expected to get lampooned were never brought up at all, and the praises were very encouraging to hear. I thought that the criticism was fair and pretty much spot-on. Since I've recently been wrestling with myself about my work, it felt good to know that my instincts weren't too far off.If you're an artist that's in a rut and would like fresh eyes on your work, I definitely recommend that you employ her services. If you do, be sure to let me know how it went!