Invincible Summer

Traci Turner, Traci L Turner, art, artist, paintingMy most recent work is now showing at The Lasting Dose Gallery along with fellow Reno artists Lisa Kurt and Kelly Ogilvie for a show called, Invincible Summer. While preparing for this show, I faced a string of external distractions. I worked through it by reminding myself of the commitment that I made with everyone else involved in the project and by also reminding myself that the hard-times were temporary, if not entirely all in my head. I think the theme of Invincible Summer seemed fitting for my situation because I spent the majority of the winter in almost a full retreat. It was a kind of "hibernation" in a sense because I had to focus intensely on myself and my art-related work inside and outside of the studio. I kept to myself a lot, observing almost everything around me offline and online, figuring out how I wanted to interpret the theme of our show, my next steps as an artist and then executing. It's been an extremely intense and emotional time for me over the last 5 to 6 months. However, I seem to have made it out of the first few humps and am starting to emerge again...a little bit. Hopefully I'm mentally and emotionally stronger, wiser, more aware and ready to engage the world again. We'll see how true that is in the coming weeks.For now, please check out what I think is my best work from the show and read more about this group art exhibition here. The work will be on-view through June 3rd. If you're interested in purchasing a painting, please contact Kelsey or Mike at, or you may contact me directly at for pricing.If you're in the Reno area, the details to check out this show in-person are below. It's definitely worth going to see Kelly Ogilvie's beautiful installation for the space, and Lisa Kurt's gorgeous paintings that evoke childhood and the relationship between humans and animals.Invincible SummerMay 14th - June 3rd 2016The Lasting Dose Gallery888 S Virginia St, Reno, Nevada 89501Facebook Event Page