Recap! Nude Nite 2015 - Tampa

I just wanted to take the time to share that I will have two pieces shown in Tampa's annual Nude Nite event next month! It's still sinking in that I'm going to be a part of it. Nude Nite is a pop-up gallery that brings together all kinds of artists, performers and spectators for a 3-night celebration of the nude form. When I saw the call for artists, I thought that some of my work could be a good fit but I really didn't expect that I would actually get in! I'm very happy and honored to have the chance to be a part of such a huge event. Here are the pieces that will be on display at the show:
I'm definitely going to try to be there and see what they're going to have going on this year. The theme is "Extreme Dreams." Should be interesting and fun! From the looks of some of the past years' pictures and videos, they go all out. If it all works out for me to attend in-person, I'll be more than happy to report back with pictures and an official blog post on my art blog, Purple Paintbrush. So make sure to check back!