Just Added! - Slump

New paintings have been added to the gallery! Check out the latest series, Slump, and let me know what you think.Last week was the opening reception to the show, and I think that it went very well. I had a great time chatting with everyone that stopped through, and I appreciate all of the support so far. It definitely makes me happy to have this work out there, but what's interested me more is the response to it. For someone, be it a friend, acquaintance or stranger, to feel prompted to share even a sliver of what's beneath their surface because of my work is truly a rewarding thing. I definitely do not take moments like that for granted.Check out this video created by my friend, Jesse McCloskey, of White Opus to get a taste of what the show is about - straight from me! I'm still getting used to being on-camera so forgive any awkwardness, but thankfully Jesse made me look good.

Art Walk Reno

In the midst of doing my own work, I've been wanting to get back into writing on my art blog, Purple Paintbrush, but I've been slacking ever so hard! At least I have kind of a valid excuse. It's been a while since I did any posts that focused on documenting art events and this is the first time I ever tried using video for the task. I really enjoyed putting this piece together even though I'm still fairly new at video projects.Reno just had their first official art walk in the downtown area and I thought it would be a great post for my blog. There were so many places that participated and I thought that it was well-attended by Reno-ites. I was able to check out and capture some great artwork and made this video to share some of the experience. My only regret was that I didn't plan my time well enough to go see everything! Next time I'll be more prepared though.Please enjoy!