Flyy and Kinky Opening Reception

Flyy and Kinky - Traci Turner from White Opus on Vimeo.This is a video shot by my friend Jesse McCloskey from White Opus. It's an introduction to my Flyy and Kinky series and includes footage from the opening reception of the show at NeverEnder Boutique and Gallery in midtown Reno. He always does great work and has done several videos for many creatives here in Reno. He's also created a few short films on his own time. I am so honored to have him volunteer to put together this video for me! I really love it and I don't sound like an idiot in it (I don't think!). Please enjoy, friends!

I'm in the News!

There's been such a strong, positive response to the Flyy and Kinky series I just started! The outpouring of support and acknowledgement has been overwhelming, encouraging and a bit surprising, to be honest! I'll speak more about that in a future post though. For now I just wanted to share that the show has been making headlines in Reno. What a whirlwind of a time it's been, and the show has only been up for about a week! Read what the Reno News & Review, and the Reno Gazette-Journal have to say about my current exhibit at NeverEnder Boutique and Gallery:traci turner, art, traci l turner, flyy and kinky, rgj

Reno Gazette-Journal - March 18, 2015

 traci turner, art, traci l turner, flyy and kinky, rn&r

Reno News & Review - March 12, 2015

It was a very fun experience to meet with each journalist and talk with them about the content of the Flyy and Kinky paintings and my process, even though I was really nervous going into it. I hope you will like the articles as much as I did, they're both very well-written and do justice to the perspective of being black and learning to embrace our hair textures. Please enjoy the reads!